Tropic of C launches new easy eco dressing clothing collection

Find the perfect balance between style and ease. Introducing easy eco dressing.

8 easy pieces knitted in LENZINGTM ECOVERO™M branded viscose fiber.

It has 50% less water impact, is biodegradable and compostable.

Shop now.


In In the mood for something new? ‘ready to wear’ toc? We got to work with this amazing team to bring our new “easy eco dressing” to life. launching tomorrow 8.11.23 Photographer @yuliagorbachenko Stylist @sandyarmeni Hair #ShingoShibata Makeup @chihoomae Model @Candice #comingsoon #easyecodressing #sustainablefashion #tropicofC

♬ original sound – Tropic of C

Tropic of C > Collections > Easy Eco Dressing